A hobby turned into a passion project, Feastography is a platform where like-minded individuals, like you and I, gather to explore and discover the wonders of the world through food.
Feastography combines the beauty and patience of photography with the sensational and cultural experiences of food. Here you will discover interesting stories about all types of dishes from all over the world (or at least the places that I have visited - I keep this blog very personal).
Feastography started out as small side project and is a combination of two of my favorite hobbies, food and photography.
Taking nice pictures of food was great and all… But it was not enough for me. Each dish has a unique history behind it. Whether it was a family recipe that was passed down through many generations, or a dish that was thought up of to make use of limited ingredients in times of struggle, a single plate of food holds many stories and gives us an insight into cultures that helped shaped it.
In short, Feastography is a platform to learn about the rich world that we live in, and to inspire get out of your comfort zone and explore all the deliciousness the world has to offer.
Nice to meet you, my name is James. As you can probably guess, I love eating and travelling, and I am really lucky to be based in one of the largest food capitals in the world, Bangkok, Thailand.
I also enjoy photography (duh :P), filming and editing videos, writing, and painting. My more professional skillsets are: software development, and graphic design.
I was born in Bangkok, Thailand, attended an international kindergarten and high-school in Bangkok.
After high-school I attended Mahidol University International College in Bangkok where I graduated with a bachelors degree in Computer Science.
During my studies in university I realized that Computer Science was really… really hard. Although a prospective field, I did not want to devote my entire life solely to programming, thus I started picking up multiple hobbies in my 4 years at university.
And that is where the story ends… At least for now. I am still very young and I have many opportunities ahead of me. However, now more than ever, I know what I want to do in life and Feastography is waiting for me at the finish line. I’ll leave the rest of this section to be updated in a few years time…
But for now, join me on this exciting adventure to eat, drink, and learn about all the amazing culinary secrets that the world has to offer!
Like what I’m doing and want to support me? I would really like a cup of coffee :)
Thank you for that cup of coffee! I really appreciate your kind gesture! I can tell you that that coffee will help me produce better content for you in the long run!